Simply Pantastic!

Passionate. Artistic. Natural... the theme for the recently ended UWI Panoridim Steel Orchestra summer concert season. Panfest 2011: Simply PAN was proposed to be held over two weekends in four locations: Edna Manley College, Boone Hall Oasis and Philip Sherlock Centre for the Creative Arts in Kingston; and the Bellefield Great House & Gardens in Montego Bay. A set-back of rain on the first weekend forced the cancellation of the show at Boone Hall Oasis, and tickets were made available for exchange at Philip Sherlock on the following Friday. As the forecast predicted thunderstorms in Montego Bay for July 10, the show at Bellefield Great House & Gardens was changed to the equally luxurious Half Moon Hotel Conference Centre in Rose Hall.
Despite the venue changes, Panoridim delivered their usual something for everyone, and the show was helped along by the soothing voice and stunning smile of MC, Michaelia Henry. Among the tunes were tributes to the artistic passions of pan great Len ‘Boogsie’ Sharpe and world renown steelpan arranger, Jit Samaroo. The calm of nature was evoked with Yiruma’s ‘River Flows in You’ and Jimmy Cliff’s ‘Many Rivers to Cross’ to name a few. Though some venues were filled to less than capacity, the audience made their appreciation known by overwhelming cheers and even dances in the isles, indicating that it was an enjoyable experience. Simply put, it was simple pan.
UWI Panoridim thanks the following for making 'Simply PAN' possible: Our Corporate Sponsor ICWI Ltd, Bellefield Great House & Gardens, Half Moon, UWI Mona, Ms. Valerie Virgo, Mr. Ranon Martin and the entire Panfest Production Team!